Endometriosis is a chronic illness that effects 1 in 10 women. It has been around for 100 plus years. There is no cure for this disorder. The only way to see if you have it is if you have a laproscopic discovery surgery. It takes a special doctor to find the lesions because of the extra training the doctor needs. This is not a topic that is covered in enough detail in medical school. However, there are some people out there that talk about the topic in detail.
Jessica Brooks is a married young woman that is suffering with Endo. She has been trying to concieve for a while and has been unsuccessful because the condition causes infertilty. The thing Jess helps you to understand is what the condition is and she shows you what it is like to have it. She conducted interviews and posted interviews to her youtube channel to showcase other women’s stories along with her own. She is great at showing genuine emotions and how she deals with the disorder. The amount that she post on her channel could be better but I know from personal experience it can be hard to be consistent when you are in pain. Her following is pretty good. She has people who comment on her post and appreiate her for telling her story and being a face for us who have it. You can find her channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkL_fb-_jfb2DOe63J-ru4Q
Endometriosis News is a daily email chain that goes out to whomever subscribes to it. It keeps you up to date on the latest scientific articles and research that comes about about endo. One of the main issues that this newsletter helps solve is that it debunks myths. These articles show information that proves certain theories just are not true. It solves the issue of the unknown information about the illness. It helps to show how many different aspects there is to it. I think how they operate is very effective and has no need for change being it is daily. They go into detail and make connections that most do not know is there. There aren’t many responses to their post. I feel as though it is this way because they give the disclaimer “Note: Endometriosis News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.” For more information and to subscribe you can visit themhttps://endometriosisnews.com.
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